The titles below link to course audios, podcast series, and a collection of self-awareness and healing practices: visualization, conscious breath and meditation.
Creating Sacred Space: a 21-part podcast series to create sacred space with tools for transformation using breath and visualization.
Awakening Subtle Energy Awareness: a 9-part podcast series of gentle movements to awaken and bring awareness to your experience of the subtle energy centers (chakras) and related sensation in your body.
Pathworking for Self Mastery: a 14-part podcast series on levels of awareness and consciousness, applied to emotions expressed as attitudes through various patterns of behavior.
The Four Winds: a meditation and clearing from center, at the intersection of the elements and directions.
Emergence: this three-set audio series—Sun, Moon, Synergy, includes 15 cuts with guided visualizations taking you gradually deeper into self-awareness and healing.
Opening to Spirit: a 9-part self-healing series to help you own your personal space: Essential Tools, Conscious Breathing and Energy Release visualizations specifically for the Opening to Spirit program coursework.