Thank you for sharing this ancient body wisdom practice, Chele - I had my chakra 'realigned' about 27 years ago while going through perimenopause and it was the most wondrous experience I've ever had of how the physical world segues and impacts the spiritual in our bodies. After the holistic practitioner (who had previously been an RN in corporate medicine) was finished with the realignment, she lightly laid a warm, thin blanket over my body and told me relax for a few moments. Almost immediately--as I lay there with my eyes closed..I 'saw' a field of golden wheat that was ever so slightly moving to a whisper of a breeze. After I dressed, I shared this experience with the holistic practitioner and she smiled and told me that "wheat is a sign of life and vitality". I never had this chakra realignment done again - but I am considering checking to see if there is a holistic center close to where I now live that performs this vital role.
Thank you Sharon💛. Sounds like a beautifully transformative, soulful experience.
And yes, much of what we know and practice now is based in Neolithic wisdom about our energy, spiritual essence, and related modalities for health and healing. Those mentioned here come from a merger of ancient Indian scriptures, Taoist meridian and acupuncture theory --also in part known as Traditional Chinese Medicine, which actually originates from the same scriptures.
See the "Oceanic Lifestory" of Boganathar--Lao Tzu.
My own practice of these principles comes from both a Taoist perspective and Lewis Bostwick who founded Berkeley Psychic Institute (BPI). Upon his death, the BPI practices were carried forward by many of his teachers--some in spin-off organizations. I am currently connected with Clairvoyant Hawaii and Magic Isle--founded by my original BPI director.
I trust you will find your way to more experiences--some may come through the ethers and modern technology. Many healers work at a distance!☀️💐🤗
Thank you Chele. This morning I particularly love breathing the earth energy into my kidneys,
Thank you for sharing this ancient body wisdom practice, Chele - I had my chakra 'realigned' about 27 years ago while going through perimenopause and it was the most wondrous experience I've ever had of how the physical world segues and impacts the spiritual in our bodies. After the holistic practitioner (who had previously been an RN in corporate medicine) was finished with the realignment, she lightly laid a warm, thin blanket over my body and told me relax for a few moments. Almost immediately--as I lay there with my eyes closed..I 'saw' a field of golden wheat that was ever so slightly moving to a whisper of a breeze. After I dressed, I shared this experience with the holistic practitioner and she smiled and told me that "wheat is a sign of life and vitality". I never had this chakra realignment done again - but I am considering checking to see if there is a holistic center close to where I now live that performs this vital role.
Thank you Sharon💛. Sounds like a beautifully transformative, soulful experience.
And yes, much of what we know and practice now is based in Neolithic wisdom about our energy, spiritual essence, and related modalities for health and healing. Those mentioned here come from a merger of ancient Indian scriptures, Taoist meridian and acupuncture theory --also in part known as Traditional Chinese Medicine, which actually originates from the same scriptures.
See the "Oceanic Lifestory" of Boganathar--Lao Tzu.
My own practice of these principles comes from both a Taoist perspective and Lewis Bostwick who founded Berkeley Psychic Institute (BPI). Upon his death, the BPI practices were carried forward by many of his teachers--some in spin-off organizations. I am currently connected with Clairvoyant Hawaii and Magic Isle--founded by my original BPI director.
I trust you will find your way to more experiences--some may come through the ethers and modern technology. Many healers work at a distance!☀️💐🤗