Your ability to create is directly proportionate to your willingness to destroy the unnecessary energies you carry from false constructs.
The Sun’s fiery flame burns away the chill of winter, offering opportunities for cellular transmutation and spiritual alchemy. Summer fires burn deep inside you—metabolism, digestion, the breath and fire of spirit, and daily alchemy as you destroy stagnant energies and create anew.
It may not be time to fully embrace the inspirations of the coming equinox, yet you can prepare your insides by doing a little spring cleaning. Move gently and consciously to feel your body; breathe to listen closely and become aware of its messages; observe keenly to find your new direction.
During this 6th week of Imbolc, let’s begin to consciously weave the connection between our bodies and soul-spirit as we move with the Wheel further toward its eastern most point—the time of year when the higher mind opens to the inspirations of nature and spirit.
Knowledge is looking to infuse an aware and integrated vessel, bringing forth the wisdom of your inherent beingness.
How can you use your inner fire to alchemize the old and more fully embrace the your inner wisdom?
Getting There
Feel the golden bliss of your inner rivers.
Sense: Lie on your back with your feet on the floor and knees bent. Squeeze and release your buttocks as you very gently bounce your pelvis on the floor. Ground and feel your body.
Feel: Breathe inward and upward, out through the top of your head, creating a golden ball of energy overhead. Breathe out to feel its brilliant golden glory streaming down, warming your body.
See: Imagine a huge gold sun above your head—its magnetic forces gathering up all the energy you left out in the world today. Look up and watch as the gold sun floats down through your body, expanding out, your aura—the energy field surrounding your body.
Audio Companions: Golden Suns
Each week you will find symbolism and relaxing practices following the Wheel of the Year, the Sacred Body Oracle cards and the calendar journal, “Sacred Body Pathworking: Mapping the Evolutionary Journey.”
The calendar journal and its companions are available for purchase here--please scroll down to the bottom of the linked page.
Weekly Relax your Body, Quiet your Mind audios accompany your pathworking journey around the Wheel of the Year.