As the Wheel of the Year turns eastward away from the northern point of Winter, we celebrate the early stages of Spring at Imbolc—a time of both earth and air in the season when the crone of winter is reborn as the maiden of spring. It is a time when the sun rekindles its flame of conception, fertility and transformation before passing through Spring Equinox and Eostre.
Imbolc is one of the cross quarters—a planting season, it enlightens us in the spaces between darkness and light, its transmissions gently prodding outward into the brilliance of creativity.
Meanwhile, deep underground, the earth you’ve tilled has been prepared for the seeds you will plant and eventually become the little creations from the winds of your mind—wiggling and aligning, waiting with great enthusiasm and even some trepidation, to poke through winter’s earthen coat into the early warmth of sunshine.
Tend to the fires of creation. Barely conceived and not yet born, they are inspirational seeds, ready for planting, eventually sprouting.
There are several metaphors for this season which traditionally begins on February 1st.
The Elements
The first planting season, Imbolc is positioned in between the elemental energies of earth and air. This vital blend carries the seeds of becoming onto fertile ground where they grow—protected and quiet underground until the quarter sun rises; the inspirational winds blow; and their essence expands, reaching into the senses of spring equinox.
Lunar New Year
The Spring Festival—also known as Chinese new Year or Lunar New Year, is based on both the solar and lunar calendars. It typically falls on the second New Moon after the Winter Solstice, about halfway to the Spring Equinox. This year, Lunar New Year is January 29th.
Candelmas is the feast of purification and presentation, falling forty days after Christmas, on February 2nd. All of the “mass” dates (Hallowmas, Christmas, Candlemas, Lammas, Michaelmas) were chosen in proximity to the pagan celebrations, after the first compilations of the Bible by Constantin as part of the transition into Christianity.
Ground Hog Day
Closely associated with (especially the timing of) Candlemas, Ground Hog Day has also been known as Badger Day, and sometimes attributed to the bear, hedgehog, snake or fox as predictors of the weather patterns to come and timing for Spring’s arrival. In the United States, the groundhog Punxsutawney Phil, has been the official harbinger of Spring since the late 1800’s. Everyone knows the storyline that suggests Winter will continue for several more weeks if Phil sees his shadow.
Practice for Imbolc
Imagine you are the only person on earth— the creator of all. Meet that level of creativity in your present life, while living among other people.
Immediately exhale each time you begin to wander into victim or irresponsibility mindset—blaming or even giving away your knowing and power to another person, place or situation.
Instead go within and plant the seeds of responsibility and ownership, watching life grow all around you. Responsibility for your personal space, your thoughts and feelings, your ideas and inspirations, ultimately becomes the seed of autonomy and sovereignty.
Spread of the Season: Divine Embrace
The Six Pointed Star:
As above, so below, the six-pointed star has ancient symbolism that goes beyond the religious: heaven merging with earth, masculine diving into feminine; spirit embodied. Consider the two merging triangles as the universal principle of give and take or masculine and feminine: one receptive and one active component to create an integrated whole. One does not work without the other, and the two energies combined have a synergy that is not present with two separate pieces.
Ways to Engage with the Divine Embrace
-Follow along with the spread shown here for the Imbolc Season which officially begins on February 1st.
-Divine and follow your own spread if you have the Sacred Body Oracle deck and or Sacred Body Pathworking: Mapping the Evolutionary Journey.
-Divine and follow your own spread using a different Oracle or Tarot deck.
The Divine Embrace: Six Pointed Star—8 cards
You are a receiving vessel for the divine which seeks earthly spaces to fill with its golden light. This spread connects heaven and earth through the body. Use it to see your truth in present time regarding specific situations and people in your life. Or, simply become the observer of where you are on your path. Begin by placing one card in the middle, then proceed to lay-out the cards in the shape of a 6-pointed star, one card at each point. The eighth card will lay over the first card as you complete the spread.
Card 1 (in Center) I AM: Soul
Intelligence: You are currently in a high state of knowledge in whatever you do or however you contribute. This knowledge has brought you this far and will take you no further.
Card 2 (lowest point of lower triangle): Ground of Being:
What energy do you carry in present time and or what is the foundation for this situation? What are the resources you have funded for this scenario or circumstance?
Healing: You are capable of manifesting great change on the spiritual level as you heal your physical body—its health, emotions, thoughts & beliefs.
Card 3 (Right point of lower triangle): Release:
What needs to be released or surrendered so you can create space for and receive the abundance of the Divine?
As Above, So Below: Cosmic and earth energies move freely through your subtle body, dislodging old patterns of behavior so you may step forward into the light of universal truth.
Card 4 (Left point of lower triangle): Hidden:
What is hidden from your view that needs to be unveiled or brought to consciousness? What is your unfinished business?
Respiration: Air becomes life force as you breathe consciously, unlocking the sensations of what is unconscious and unresolved, so you can hear your body’s messages.
Card 5 (Left point of upper triangle): Bridge:
What will help you bridge the gap or integrate your physical world with the Divine? How can you be more open to receiving?
Telepathy: Listen to the sound of your inner voice and its response to the voice of the Divine.
Card 6 (Right point of upper triangle): Embrace:
What qualities do you need to embrace in yourself to grow into your intention? What do you now hold that you can offer to the Divine?
Middle World: The elemental world holds the essence of Natural Law. The elements exists inside you as well, represented by the fire in your digestion; the inspiration in your breath; the watery blood and lymph circulating through you; and the earth in your bones. Each element speaks through the sacred hallows—the wand of spiritual transformation; the sword of truth; the chalice of purification; and the anchoring stone of presence.
Card 7 (Upper-most point of upper triangle): Integrity:
How is your work integrated now? What is the next step on your spiritual path? How do you get there from here?
Gateways to the Heights: You integrate all the facets of your being when you walk through the gate, into the heights, fully embracing the spirit that already resides in what you believe to be you.
Card 8 (middle overlapping the first, “I AM” card): Creation:
The last card represents the outcome or result of the steps you have taken or will soon take in relation to this spread. In other words, to where will you ascend when you commit to the wisdom of Divine Embrace? Place this card in the center, on top of “I AM.”
The Riverbed: Sun and Moon, dark and light, masculine and feminine—Heaven and Gaia meet in the core of both your subtle and physical bodies, merging spirit with physiology, deep in the river of your being to open your heart.
Each week you will find symbolism and relaxing practices following the Wheel of the Year, the Sacred Body Oraclecards and the calendar journal, “Sacred Body Pathworking: Mapping the Evolutionary Journey.”
The calendar journal and its companion, “Relax your Body, Quiet your Mind,” are both available for purchase here--please scroll down to the bottom of the linked page.
Weekly Relax your Body, Quiet your Mind audios accompany your pathworking journey around the Wheel of the Year.
So beautifully written Chele. Planting the seeds of responsibility and ownership, this speaks to me...thank you.