What do you know about Near Death Experiences?
You might be surprised to know about the initial inspiration for the Lucia N°03…
The Lucia N°03 was developed in Austria by clinical neurologist and psychologist Dr. Dirk Proeckl and clinical psychiatrist, psychologist, and legal consultant Dr. Engelbert Winkler.
As a young man, Engelbert had a near-death experience that profoundly shaped his life. During this experience, he felt an overwhelming sense of wholeness and oneness beyond the physical world.
Choosing to return to life, he embraced a mission: to help people free themselves from the fear of death by remembering their inherent wholeness and deeply trusting the present moment. By doing so, he believed individuals could reclaim their creative expression and agency in their lives.
Driven by his desire to understand the near-death experience more fully, he interviewed hundreds of near-death survivors. A recurring theme in their stories was the sensation of entering the light, witnessing key moments of their lives, and gaining profound insights into their personal journeys. Many also described a renewed sense of purpose upon returning to life.
Engelbert sought a way to guide people on a similar inner journey without the extreme circumstances of a near-death experience. He studied psychotherapy and hypnosis, exploring the dynamics of the conscious and subconscious mind. During hypnotherapy sessions, he experimented by moving an incandescent lamp slowly toward participants, attempting to recreate the sensation of "going into the light" that so many NDE survivors described.
The wide-spectrum solid light had a deeply relaxing effect on many clients, some of whom experienced profound inner journeys, while others struggled with visualization. Engelbert shared his findings with his colleague and friend, Carola, a therapist who also incorporated light into her practice. She designed her sessions to take place at times when sunlight reflected off the water outside her treatment room, casting soothing patterns of light onto the ceiling above her clients.
One late night, in a special secret bar in the Austrian Tyrolean town of Kufstein, Engelbert, Carola Zimmer, and her husband Dirk Procekl, a German neurologist and psychologist, found themselves immersed in a lively discussion. The topic: how to enhance the experience of expanded states of consciousness using only light.
At this point, Dirk introduced an intriguing idea—what if they combined photostimulation (precisely calibrated flickering light) with the solid, wide-spectrum light?
Neurologists in the 1960s had demonstrated that flickering light at certain frequencies could shift brainwave activity through a process called photic driving. He proposed that by integrating photostimulation with the gradual increase of solid light intensity, they might create a tool capable of safely and effectively guiding individuals into deep meditative and expanded states of consciousness.
This idea became the foundation for what would ultimately evolve into the Lucia N°03, a revolutionary light experience designed to help people access altered states of awareness, creativity, and profound relaxation.
First experimentations with the combination of solid and flickering light were surprisingly powerful, as well as visual. Intrigued, they decided to build their first prototype.
They began by retrofitting an espresso maker with a halogen bulb and four LEDs, programming primitive flickering light patterns into the LEDs.
To enhance the Ganzfeld effect—creating a more uniform background for the flickering lights to dance upon—they decided to keep their eyes closed. This not only ensured a more immersive experience but also made the process safer for the eyes. Additionally, studies have shown that exposure to wider-spectrum light can be beneficial to ocular health.
Sitting in front of the light with their eyes closed, they were both shocked and amazed at the results, which far exceeded their expectations and initial trials.
The combination of steadily increasing wide-spectrum solid light and the dynamically changing intensity of the LEDs provoked a stunning array of visual effects—rainbow spectrums of color, intricate kaleidoscopic patterns, and, as they fully relaxed into the experience, even visions, memories, and profound nervous system recalibrations.
Although they were aware of famous studies of the EEG (Quigly, 2021), they had not anticipated such a deeply psychedelic and immersive experience.
At this point, they developed the Lucia N°02, pictured here, which featured two LEDs. The final version of their creation was realized with the help of Austrian engineer Jury Löcker and his team, with significant contributions from Engelbert’s wife at the time, Margit, until they hired Maj. Sigrid Pearce as CEO to oversee the business.
Jury crafted a beautiful, heirloom-quality lamp, designed to last for generations. Stainless steel was chosen as the primary material due to its durability, resistance to time, and its ability to withstand the heat emitted by the halogen bulb. A special glass disc was positioned in front of the halogen to further reduce the already low levels of UVA and UVB light while allowing beneficial low-level infrared light to remain present.
Over time, they created over a hundred different light sessions, experimenting with various frequencies and modulation styles. Many sessions were crafted live, meaning Engelbert or Dirk would intuitively adjust frequencies and brightness levels in real-time to suit the individual client. They also conducted extensive experimentation with various frequency combinations.
Ultimately, the Lucia N°03 is not a brain entrainment device. Each person’s brainwave signature is unique and deeply layered. Dirk’s neuroscience background led him to reject rigid protocols in favor of a more intuitive, responsive approach. Rather than imposing a fixed brain state, the Lucia N°03 invites the brain into a harmonic state, allowing it to reset and find its own intrinsic coherence
More coming each week! Thanks for joining us in the light, and enjoy your week.
Allison Pellisier is the Boulder, CO based US Distributor and Trainer for Lucia Light N°03. Click on the linked offer if you have questions or comments, or would like to book a complimentary 1:1 session with Allison to discuss the Lucia N°03.
If you are in Santa Fe, please contact SacredBodyWisdom@gmail.com for information and scheduling. There is also a directory of Light Guides on the Lucia Light Experience website.
Reposted from the Lucia Light Newsletter: March 3, 2025.