Essentials: The Elements—Cardinal Alchemy
Your personal essence is an expression of the Earth’s seasonal rhythms and cycles, an allegory of nature’s imprint in the DNA of all things. Its elemental texture weaves through your health and healing journey, connecting the dots between breath and inspiration; blood and the tides; digestion and wisdom; the still-strength in your bones; and the generation of eternal life force.
Thoughts blow through like the Eastern winds of inspiration, beckoning you to begin anew.
A time of resurrection and rebirth, the candles of spirit light the way out of the long nights of Winter. The groundhog has long since risen to its purpose as the wheel passes over the mid-point between Imbolc and Spring Equinox. Bright green shoots from underground bulbs begin to breath through, enthusiasm riding in on the first breezes of Spring.
Getting There:
Sense: Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles—the soft tissues between your pubic and tail bones. Breathe out to gently engage. Breathe in to release.
Feel: Inhale through your nose. Exhale, creating a gentle sound in the back of your throat—like the sounds of the sea inside a shell. Feel its vibration flowing down your spine. Be with this breath for 9 cycles.
See: Imagine all the colors of the rainbow flowing through your spinal column—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and finally gold. One at time, watch as each color shifts your energy.
Audio Companions:
16-Sounds of the Sea Original Version
Each week you will find symbolism and relaxing practices following the Wheel of the Year, the Sacred Body Oracle cards and the calendar journal, “Sacred Body Pathworking: Mapping the Evolutionary Journey.”
The calendar journal and its companions are available for purchase here--please scroll down to the bottom of the linked page.
Weekly Relax your Body, Quiet your Mind audios accompany your pathworking journey around the Wheel of the Year.
Thank you for the beautiful breathing practice
I really like the connection to the ocean inside my own body.
I love listening to the sound of the sea in my breathing. Thank you Chele