When you open your body to the rhythms of spirit, you encourage the bright and subtle conference that can only occur when you call-in the divine, descending energies that connect your mind and heart through your inner voice.
We have many modes of communication: telepathic and verbal; through our thoughts, our emotions and our body language; externally and internally, both broadly and narrowly.
And we communicate most honestly when we listen to and speak with our inner voice— what many call the “still, small voice within.”
Communication is both subtle and gross; loud and soft; inward and outward; covert and overt. The body and nervous system communicate; the emotions and chemistry communicate; the mind, soul and spiritual energies all communicate.
Often unconscious, it can become conscious—if only we would listen.
Truth and clarity reign when the outside matches the inside. Our actions—attitudes and behaviors, honestly express our inner-most feelings, sensations and thoughts.
Our personal energy fields—the aura surrounding each of us, filters incoming and outgoing communications. When the aura contains unexpressed, unresolved or hidden material, it speaks louder than our words and often contradicts our behaviors and beloved personas. Many people are insensitive to this discrepancy, possibly because they are so busy trying to sustain their own version of what they believe is required to be valid in this world.
This is the lie that society demands of us—to be socially correct in whatever environment we engage with each day. And it’s not universal principle; not aligned with natural law.
Many others sense it from a great distance, and are often chastised—at best, because they see through the lies. The body knows. The soul knows. We all know. Sometimes it’s just easier to play a role than to be real and true to our nature.
Shifting more toward our true selves is primarily about awareness—it takes us about 95% of the distance, with commitment to honest self-tracking and daily reflection. Releasing habitual tendencies to don the costume can be as simple as conscious breathing—now that’s about 4% further.
Getting There:
Follow your breath into the inner kingdom. Sense your body, and the space around your body. Sense the room, and the space of the room. Find yourself inside these spaces.
Sense: Point and flex your feet. Roll your ankles in both directions. Stand with your feet on the ground, feeling the support beneath them. Allow your feet to anchor your body, allowing you to find your spinal centerline. Find your body inside the center of your personal energy field.
Feel: Feel your breath as it moves into the space around you. Breathe out to fill the room, noticing how you feel as you move this field of breath inward and outward.
See: Imagine your personal space reaches out on all side about 3 feet surrounding your body. Watch as you expand it to fit the size of the room, then draw it close to your body. Find the most natural placement and size for your aura.
How does this subtle field of energy affect your communication?
The final distance—that last 2% demands a commitment to daily choice and action, for the long-haul.
Are you in the center of your own space, allowing your breath to take you deeper into centerline—the communication space of your inner voice?
Audio Companion: Your Energy Field
Each week you will find symbolism and relaxing practices following the Wheel of the Year, the Sacred Body Oracle cards and the calendar journal, “Sacred Body Pathworking: Mapping the Evolutionary Journey.”
The calendar journal and its companions are available for purchase here--please scroll down to the bottom of the linked page.
Weekly Relax your Body, Quiet your Mind audios accompany your pathworking journey around the Wheel of the Year.
Thank you Chele for always encouraging our (my!) self-awareness.
Thank you for the information Chele and body practices on communication. It is helpful and relevant to me right now in my life. I am working on clearly communicating in my relationships❤️